Saturday, June 23, 2012

Feeling Great

184 Days Left......

Right now my weight may be steady but I am feeling sexy ; )

Every since the cruise, I find myself near women that no matter the body shape or form that they are in, they embrace who they are and love themselves. I figuring out to do the same and it feels great.

I have been doing great, eating wise. Lately you can find me munching on salads, yogurts, whole grain sandwiches and low cal pineapple Popsicle sticks with real fruit. With that being said I am literally saving about $60 that I would have spent at the cafeteria at work. So I have an extra $120 to take to the bank & that's wassup.

Ingredients for my Mandarin Salad

My Secret weapon when Hunger Calls or what I call the urge to chew

Ingredients for My Taco Salad & Ceasar Salad

Horrible Pic. of Fresh Mango Salsa that had too much Pepper

Fresh Fruits & Veggies, Salmon, and Eggs
I love shopping! It feels great when I go food shopping for healthy food and know that I am the one whom is consciously making the decision to eat better.

On a side note.....

My family is coming up this upcoming weekend so I want to work on losing a couple of pounds nothing serious, so I plan on dusting off the treadmill and start running the 30 mins everyday again.

I had been running on the treadmill routinely. but after I can back from the cruise it seems like I sort have lost motivation to do so.  Yet, I am determined to start up again this weekend.

Also,where I am the weather is great so I plan on being out and about enjoying every moment of the first weekend of summer.

Hope you do the same, Thank for Reading

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